Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I Accept....wait a minute!

If aliens ever wanted to take over Planet Earth they would only have to add some small print to computer program installations like 'Yes I would like Windows Player Version 9....p.s. I also give the Bejazoids of Qwargu persmission to rip of my noggin and feed it to their Shantellix beasts for a laugh'. Spent far too much time this weekend reinstalling Windows XP (and clicking 'I accept' over and over again as I reinstalled all the programs) instead of going to Christmas parties, ah well for the best I have to hand in work on January 3 so need to make sure the auld laptop is in working order. Although I will try and get it done January 2 as I'll be 31 and don't want to spend my birthday writing PhD stuff, I want to have my usual birthday film festival this year I plan to watch:

V for Vendetta
The Big Lebowski

No surprises, but what a perfect triple bill, I may have to coax some family members to join me. In some hellish parallel universe there is a version of me that is planning to sit down with Robocop: Prime Directives and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen instead, poor bastard.

I am geeking out the new iTunes though which as a jukebox style flipping album covers thing going on that makes you feel more like your listenign to albums rather than fiddly downloads, so I'm jamming as many of my music collection into the laptop and thus cheating flybe's luggage restrictions by carrying lots of 'albums' without them weighing anything.

My music imbibing followed this sequence: The Pixies, Frank Black, Frank Black and the Catholics, The Breeders, They Might Be Giants, The Bonzo Dog Band, Lambchop, David Bowie, Half Man Half Biscuit, LCD Soundsystem, Fabriclive etc etc. My Party Shuffle currently rocks!

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