Thursday, January 24, 2008

Yes, this Norbit...Oscar-Nominated Norbit....

And I thought the Oscars were in enough trouble already with the writers strike and all, but we now live in a world where Norbit can claim to be 'the Oscar-nominated Norbit' ...just in case you tried fooling yourself into thinking it was some unknown French film called Norbere or something... it's this Norbit

I'll have to look it up, but is this a world first that something get's nominated (eight times!) for the Razzies and the Oscars in the same year? Just in case you fooled yourself into thinkings it's film called Norbitz IV from a parallel dimension, no it's this Norbit....

Just in case you feel you've had a Philip K Dickian schziod episode trying to undertsand how something can be deemed the worst and best at the same time, let me's this fucking Norbit...

A film that seems to be mostly about how fat people are funny but fat women are funnier and fat black women are the funniest of all, but it's humour of a sublime nature if said fat black woman falls on top of things repeatedly. I think it was Mark Twain who came up with that aphorism.

..or it could have been a slug on half a discarded dustbin lid, I'm not too sure, I always get those two confused...

1 comment:

Caddy Powers Jr said...

Ugh ...well makeup, music, special effects etc style awards can really go to even the worst film.

Still you would hope there was some standard there ...

As for being nominated for a Razzie and an oscar there are some previous cases of getting a nod for both (two actors have been nominated for both