...and all the motherfuckin' wires that come with them, which trip me up like that women in Evil Dead, it's like being attacked by Swamp Thing every morning.
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4:03:00 AM
"McGrane’s self effacing set is esoteric, occasionally filthy and always funny."-Peter "Hotrod McCaughan", culturenorthernireland.org
“McGrane’s set goes into the kind of detail about cult comics and movies that would have even Jonathan Ross’s head spinning.” - Andrew Johnson, AU Magazine
"Straight faced comedy with a good sense of comic timing"*** Three Weeks"Free comedy is a mixed bag, and free student comedy is an even bigger risk - but in this case it's one worth taking. East Anglian comics Tom Moran, Jonathan Brittain, Johnny Kearns and Lorcan McGrane filled an enjoyable if variable hour at the Standing Order. "***Three Weeks
"Lorcan McGrane charmed the audience with sensitively told observational comedy, regarding mainly pornography and onanism"Ant Cule, Laugh Out Loud Review, Concrete, Dec 4th, 2007.
Man, you're getting the good technology over there...
Yeah, I've got technology coming out the wazoo, not that it's always a good thing.
I mean yesterday I spent all morning fighting with dvd menus which is bad enough on it own but when you're doing it on a tiny apple mac in the corner of a room being watched by 24 students as you say feck cuntbollocks these fucking menus etc it's not much fun and then home to find my windows xp laptop is in some sort of safe mode I can't get it out of so no dvd burny or itunes...
perhaps I'll just type this blog out and post it to people or go around to each readers house and do the olde-fashion squawk thoughts that hoot through the face hole and force to them to listen to my insane ramblings.
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