David Bowie on his appearance in Extras
that's a zinger
Posted by
3:44:00 PM
Labels: Irish Superheroes, Phantom FM, superheroes
Last Sunday was a great night for comedy. There was the great Extras episode with Bowie,
Catch Bowie being effortlessy funny towards the end of this documentary (yeah! you and whose army). Then there was Shaun of the Dead and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (still crack up at Good Will Hunting II: Hunting Season, 'I don't like them one bit'). Christ just found Kevin Smith's missus has done a three-hour making of doc, 'Oh, What a Lovely Tea Party'.
Anyway, I nearly fell off my chair when Nick Frost's great first full line in Shaun of the Dead, "Can I get any of you cunts a drink?" was redubbed as "Can I get any of you cocks a drink?" on ITV2. I was taken back to watching things like 48 Hours or Beverly Hills Cop with lots of 'frigs' and 'freakins' dubbed over, which I was always found more offensive than the swear words, because it was usually done by some middle England ITV monkey doing a really bad Eddie Murphy voice. It also created a mini genre of sketch comedy, cf Hale and Pace (no really), Harry Enfield (surprised no one's put up the 'mother funster. did you fun my wife etc. sketch) and Mad TV. On film there are some things that Americans are just better at on screen than the British, Swearing, hard core pornography and violence. Hopefully ITV never show Dead Man's Shoes: "What are you looking at...You, you cantalope..."
This madness also extended to the TV Times when they reproduced the poster of 48 Hours with the middle finger badly airbrushed off! so Murphy was just shaking a badly drawn fist at an inexplicable angle. When bad airbrushing was out of the question movie posters took a turn for the more bizarre when they used other fingers that no one else uses to mean what we think they mean without offending idiots: witness Committed and The Family Stone . This sort of mealy mouthed attempt to shock but not really really grinds my gears.
Posted by
4:24:00 AM
Labels: David Bowie, Dead Man's Shoes., Eddie Murphy, Extras, finger gestures, Shaun of the Dead, Swearing
Posted by
4:53:00 AM
Labels: Bob Bryne, Clamnuts, Nicholas Gurewitch, Perry Bible Fellowship
Posted by
3:34:00 AM
Labels: Bjorn and John, Charlie Brooker, For your Consideration, Ghost World, Hipster, Nathan Barley, Peter
Posted by
12:13:00 AM
Labels: Caddy Powers, Captain America, Captain Ireland, Go Maith, Irish Superheroes
and that fancy green soap you get from America...
Posted by
7:21:00 AM
1. The Gay Ghost.(Keith Everet)
2. Hellstrike (Nigel Keane)
From Wiki Wooo: "Nigel was born Irish in Belfast. He served in the British police constabulary in Belfast for some years before moving to London. There, he fell in love with Anne, his partner while investigating the IRA. Their relationship lasted until an Irish terrorist/mercenary by the name of Seamus O'Brien, killed her in front of him. In the ensuing fight, Keane was mortally wounded. But before dying, his powers manifested, saving his life and making him Hellstrike" Would be nice to see an Irish superhero that had nothing to do with the 'troubles', like some fat GAA fan from Carlow that drank some radioactive Guinness or something and could lay toxic Guinness logs that could incapacitate enemies....
3. Siryn (Theresa Rourke Cassidy)
From Wikipedia: Like her father, the X-Men’s Banshee, Siryn is an Irish mutant, who possesses a "sonic scream" capable of incapacitating and injuring an opponent's hearing and sending powerful vibrations through the air. She can use these vibrations to fly. Her name derives from the sirens of Greek mythology. Thankfully with the X-Men, and Siryn and Banshee you're pretty safe from political issues being shoehorned in imagine how it could've been: "Siryn got her powers from accidentally swallowing a radioactive megaphone at a 1960s Befast civil rights marchs...."
With Garth Ennis and Steve Dillion at the helm, you'd guess there would a prominent Irish character as soon as they got a high-profile gig like The Preacher. Cassidy is an Irish vampire born in 1900 allowing him to be jammed into historical events like the Rising in the manner of Young Indiana Jones you know when you happen to be in Russia during the revolution and you just happen to bump into a young Lenin. Bet the yanks lap it up like Ennis was an inner city Belfast kid who esacped the troubles through reading Superman or something, but as most know he had a pretty mundane middle-class upbringing and much of his troubles-inspired violence is as voyeuristic as the next comics writer. Thank god though someone from Northern Ireland at least was writing about Northern Ireland in comics.
Kinda like when Cillian Murphy takes out all those weird army blokes in 28 Days Later, there was always a certain perverse pleasure in seeing Slaine chopping shite out of Romans and Saxons alike. With this and Finn Pat Mill's hard on for all things 'Celtic' was cemented. Slaine was more or less the Cuchulain we learned about in school but with more violence and semi-naked statuesque women, with axes, and dwarves....see what reading 2000ad as a teen does to the adult libido.
Probably the best known Irish superhero in the Marvel universe, ginger and freckled, of course, and often seen in a big Aran Sweater and smoking a clay pipe, especially in front of high tech danger room scenes. Thankfully never says things like 'jaysus lads what'ye up te at all?' 'look at ye Wolverine, sure you've got a big angry head on ya altogether'. His biog has usual Irish superhero cliches: being part of some law enforcement agency, in love, tragedy of some sort because of the 'troubles', but he he can shout really loud so it's ok.
7. Jack O'Lantern (Daniel Cormack)
I'll leave it to wikipedia there's bombs and farmers involved yet again: Daniel Cormack of Ireland was born to a poor farmer who was granted a magic lantern by an Irish fairy. His first recorded mission was to help Green Lantern dismantle a bomb in Ireland (Super Friends 9). He appeared in three solo back up stories ion Super Friends 37, 40 and 44. He also helped Superman find an ancient ruin in Ireland (DC Comics Presents 46). Kinda cool to almost an Irish Green Lantern, such an obvious window of opportunity there.
8. The Shamrock (Molly Fitzgerald)
I first read the Shamrock's intro story in Marvel Comics Presents, it was quite funny reading this story where mordern Ireland was still be represented like it was the 1800s at the same time as stuff that was going on in 2000ad, Crisis Revolver and Deadline. Gotta love her backstory (from wiki woo)
Molly Fitzgerald's father was a fanatically militant Irish nationalist. When she was three years old, her father called out to the heavens to grant her brother Paddy the power to strike down his enemies, but there appeared to be no effect. Not until Molly's freshman year in college did she discover that she had obtained mutant powers, a protective aura that altered probability around her and she became the costumed hero Shamrock.
Other Shamrock info from Marvel and this great Marvel universe site oh which also has an alternate version of The Shamrock, a member of S.H.E. (Superheroes of Europe)
9. Judge Joyce
Now we're talking! pass the synthi-stout, Garth Ennis and Steve Dillion's creation of Judge Joyce, a relaxed Judge of the Dreddverse version of Ireland "The Emerld Isle" was an excellent foil to the uptight Dredd. When you were a huge Dredd fan in Ireland and seeing the Brit Cit, Pan Africa and Hondo Cit Judges it was a great thrill to see the Irish themed suits of Joyce and co, all named after Irish writers. 2000ad check list here, Innocents Abroad available here. Judge Joyce brings back memories for me as he was one of the prominent figures in my art portfolio while attemptiong to get into art college back in the day, I remember one interviewer turning up his nose at my John Hicklenton*, Death's Head II inspired wank, I wouldn't mind but he was wearing a Roy Lichtenstein tie.
10. Hitman (Tommy Monaghan)
Ennis again, Tommy Monaghan is a great character a normal average everyday Irish hitman who get superpowers and skirts around the edge of DC Comics' superhero universe (there;'s an Irish ghetto of Gotham City called 'The Cauldron' who knew?!) slyly passing comment on it all in a pomo stylee:
Hitman chronicles the exploits of Tommy Monaghan, a contract killer from the Irish part of Gotham City. He first appeared in The Demon Annual #2 (part of the "Bloodlines" crossover in the summer of 1993), where he is bitten by an alien. The bite grants him the unexpected powers of x-ray vision and moderate telepathy. He decides to specialize in killing superhumans and supernatural threats.
Well that's it until next year, what can be next? 10 ten Irish porn stars? that'll be harder to compile then this list . So remember, if you're ginger, plant and/or have loved ones killed by IRA bombs, have power over luck, cause like Shamrocks always have to do with luck don't they, or may that's clovers, have your own castle or are a hitman, watch out becse you might be Ireland next superhero!!
Posted by
10:50:00 PM
Labels: Banshee, Garth Ennis, Irish Comics, Irish Superheroes, Jack o'Lantern, Judge Joyce, St. Patrick's Day, The Shamrock
I suppose this time of year always brings a bit of nostalgia for the Irishman abroad, even those in Norwich. I often find myself listening to the great Phantom FM expertly spoofed by Eyebrowy recently. Whilst chatting to a certain Dump Riffer I felt the unexplainable urge to listen to RTE just to hear Joe Duffy, (or Joe Motherfucking Duffy as Podge and Rodge would say) say in his inimitable 'style' 'gud aftirnoon tu yu'.
Meant to mention this a while back, but sadness all round for the hiatus of the great The Community at Large. It was good to have a forum to write crazy articles that I wouldn't have burbed out otherwise. Danger and all the lads will be sorely missed, have been consoling myself by looking at Blogorrah for my Irish blog needs, (especially like their five reasons its great to be Irish)but it's just not the same. See above for my favorite TCAL post Captain Planet in Belfast! which inspired my wee bit on Tomb Raider in Ireland.
Posted by
10:00:00 PM
Labels: Captain Planet, Ireland, Irish Blogs, Joe Duffy, St. Patrick's Day
Posted by
8:16:00 AM
Labels: Alan Moore., superheroes, Watchmen, Zach Snyder
and he'll be made of lego!!
Man, I've made no secret of how much I love Bob Bryne of Clamnuts' work (this is still my favorite pic) . I think it's partly becuase of being from rural Ireland. When you find other Irish comic fans, we seem to have very similar comic book experiences growing up as fans. Huge amouts of VAT, making British and American comics an almost magical commodity- 2000AD, The Beano, The Dandy being the usual comic fans' fare, Cheeky, Whizzer and Chips, Deadline etc seeming extremly exotic. The copies of Eerie, Creepy and Vampirella used as bassast in ships and sold for a quid a go by a guy in a news stand on O'Connell Street, Alchemy's Head, Freakout! where I bought crazy undergound comics, the flea market behind Stephen's Green where I found loads of Robert Crumb's Weirdo for 50p a pop!. I distinctly remember the year Judge Dredd and Batman Forever came out and Forbidden Planet on Dawson Street (back then) was thrashed by fly-by-night fanboys 'coz de saw de film'.
Anyway all this maudlin memory muck is just an excuse to put up a great trailer for yon Bryne's opus Mister Amperduke, description here, up above. It looks fucking great.
Posted by
7:26:00 AM
Labels: Bob Bryne, Clamnuts, Irish Comics, Judge Dredd., Mister Amperduke
funnier than anything bo selcta did on madge and strangely prophetic....
Posted by
7:12:00 AM
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6:04:00 AM
Posted by
4:38:00 AM
Labels: Castaway, D2: The Mighty Ducks, Jean Baudrillard, Never Mind the Full Stops, Philip K. Dick., The Matrix
Posted by
3:22:00 AM
Labels: Apple Mac, Invasion of the Body Snatchers., ipod shuffle, Peep Show, The Stuff
got the Exorcist 'complete anthology' this looks bonkers, a review will be here no doubt in time....phd first though...drats.
Posted by
2:09:00 AM
"McGrane’s self effacing set is esoteric, occasionally filthy and always funny."-Peter "Hotrod McCaughan", culturenorthernireland.org
“McGrane’s set goes into the kind of detail about cult comics and movies that would have even Jonathan Ross’s head spinning.” - Andrew Johnson, AU Magazine
"Straight faced comedy with a good sense of comic timing"*** Three Weeks"Free comedy is a mixed bag, and free student comedy is an even bigger risk - but in this case it's one worth taking. East Anglian comics Tom Moran, Jonathan Brittain, Johnny Kearns and Lorcan McGrane filled an enjoyable if variable hour at the Standing Order. "***Three Weeks
"Lorcan McGrane charmed the audience with sensitively told observational comedy, regarding mainly pornography and onanism"Ant Cule, Laugh Out Loud Review, Concrete, Dec 4th, 2007.