Saturday, March 10, 2007

Be Seeing You

According to Superhero Hype and grabbed at Ain't It Cool News, this is a potential glimpse of Rorschach, well a mock up potenital pic anyway, no firm casting has been done, of The Watchmen movie (from a frame of the new 300 trailer). I do think Zach Snyder will do a good job, and by 'good job' I mean not shite. To make a good Watchman movie it has to be an evolutionary leap so there's Batman and Robin=>Batman Begins. So Batman Begins=>Watchmen needs to be the same sort of leap. "Ground Floor Comin' Up."


Caddy Powers Jr said...

I have vague memory of Simon Pegg being up for this role. That was ages ago + hopefully not the case as I don't really see it.

Also, aint it cool says Gerard Butler is being consider for the Comedian? Ugh

Anonymous said...

As long as Nicholas Cage isn't anywhere near the project, we have hope......