Thursday, April 27, 2006

News Review 1: David La Chapelle's milky encounter

Was working in the grad bar last night and got introduced to our work place's array of newspapers: The Sun, The Times, The Telegraph, The Independent and *shudder* The Daily Mail. One quiet days you end up reading nearly them all, it's always funny (for me at least being a media studies junkie) to see how each of the papers deal with the same story. The Guardian has this profile of the photographer David LaChapelle where he comes out with corkers like "I just don't do randomness" and has been appranetly been claiming to be 37 since 2002. (he's actually 43).

This section caught my eye amid descriptions of his 'sugarbearer':

"Of all the bad memories that he of his schooldays among the worst, says la Chapelle, is when he had milk cartons thrown at him by badly dressed bullies"...

Milk cartons! I got a dead seagull thrown at my back when I was at school and I didn't deal with it by foisting perverse images on the world....wait a minute....ah gawd me an my big wife's gonna kill me etc.

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